Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lloyd Lights II

Students sometimes say Haverford doesn't have
enough traditions. The reappearance of the lovely
lights which lined the entryways to Lloyd Hall
this holiday season were brilliant testimony
to quick Haverfordian action to save one

Current memories suggest that the tradition
of Lloyd holiday lights goes back 5-6 years
(happy to learn more from alums). "Dorm
reps" were responsible for picking up a small
annual subvention from Students' Council
and organizing each year's lighting efforts.

But dorm reps disappeared this year due to
SC reorganizaton.

Fortunately, some students acted fast to be
sure the tradition didn't lapse. Judging
took place Dec. 16 with Dining Service
Director John Francone, Director of Student
Activities Jason McGraw, Students' Council
co-president Meghan McAllister '10 and
other current students rating the entries.

Top honors went to Lloyd 11-12, whose
residents are Dennis Norris, Sonia Williams,
Shashi Neerukonda, James Meagher, Nikhil
Dhingra, Anna Krieger, Emily Green, Julianne
Eubank, Bethany Morrow, Allyson Abrams,
Tovah Tripp and Rachel Jacobson, all '08.

Third Entry* took second prize, perhaps
because of the innovative rotating head of
our red-nosed friend Rudolph. Eighth Entry
won the bronze medal.

Hearty congratulations to all the students
who made Lloyd Green a winter wonderland
at a stressful time.

If anyone woders what happens to all the bulbs,
Jason McGraw can tell you. They fill up his office!
He's be very happy to donate shares of the
bulbs to anyone needing them. Contact Jason

*--A note on nomenclature: we're told that these
days students call the entries "Tens," "Twenties"
"Thirties," and so on. Not too long ago, it was
"First Entry," "Second," "Third," etc. (And
there was a mythic but not mythical "Tenth Entry"
up the road for students needing good burgers and
liquid refreshment.) Did any one ever call
the entries "Morris," "Stokes," "Strawbridge,"
"Logan" or any of those good Quaker names till
painted over each doorway?

--Greg Kannerstein '63

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe that Lloyd's very own festival of lights began with the class of 2001. In late 2000, one suite decorated with a hanging santa and a few bulbs. Things snowballed from there until there was an all out competition for light domination.