Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Big News re: Financial Aid

The College announces major changes in its Financial Aid policies: grants replace loans for incoming freshmen; returning students to see relief scaled to most benefit the neediest; new endowment fund created to focus giving for those hoping to support such grants-in-aid. Recipients of the new grants will be invited to pledge support for the fund "as their means allow and the spirit moves" throughout their lifetimes, with no pre-set expectation of how much they might contribute.

Details here.


Anonymous said...

This is a splendid development, reinforcing Haverford's uniqueness in making it feasible for all students accepted for enrollment to have the full college experience, irrespective of their and their families' ability to pay. This announcement helps to assure that men and women can complete their Haverford years without incurring a crippling level of debt. I am sure that it will resonate well with alumni and families who are contemplating making gifts to the College.

Steven Henning Sieverts
Class of 1956

Anders said...

I am very proud of this. I hadn't expected my small college to be able to make this commitment, which is being done by much larger universities with much larger endowments.