Bico News Editor Dave Merrell threw bean bags (and caution) to the wind and invited me to be his partner in a round of cornhole. The presence of Dave, who plays on the tennis team, ensured our victory:


The annual rite de printemps is unfolding on Founders Green. The stage will host an ipod from 4p-6p, followed by a Weezer copy band that will perform the "Blue Album" in its entirety.

Jason McGraw, Coordinator of Student Activities, snarkily promised to spin "oldies" from 4p-5p for the benefit of the presumably oldies-preferring workers in Founders (e.g. people like your correspondent). Jason also suggested that we provide the following documentary photos of setup activities to the Admission Office as part of next year's recruiting effort, a campaign to outdo Middlebury in maximizing the amount of "Man Nipple" imagery we show to prospectives:

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